I credit your skill, perseverance and steady nature along with the extraordinary nature of this work, with moving one more soul along the path towards reclaiming one’s identity.
— Richard Welker


Hella Neumann

Special Event: Study Group

STUDY GROUP November – December 2017, Santa Fe

This is a special event that Hella offers to newcomers to the Systemic Family Constellation Work. The 6 evenings are structured to give you an in depth introduction to the principles and laws of Constellation Work. This profound healing work has proven its strong impact in many situations like dysfunctional relationships, disease and suffering. In only two decades it found its way to many countries around the globe, helping war torn countries like Russia or Chile, and most of all Germany, where the 3rd Generation after World War II is carrying the trauma of the war with phobia attacks and many diseases. Very often perpetrator and victims suffer the same symptoms
and are able to find reconciliation in the healing Ancestral Field of the Constellation. Each Constellation is an artfully celebrated ritual which holds the presence of the ancestors, offering to them the love that heals.

I hope our group will grow to 8, which is the limited number. 8 is a good number to do Constellations.

I am thinking of 6 meetings: for 6 weeks one time each week. Starting soon.

Tuesdays or Thursdays are the days on which I am free.

The time should be 6pm to 8:30pm. (Day and time can be discussed with the group members.)

It is highly recommended that participants also come for the November 11th and the December 9th Sacred Circles. Here you may experience Hella’s group facilitation and receive the healing that unfolds in the Sacred Circle of the Ancestors.

The cost of the Study Group is $400 (+tax), due by the first session. A payment plan can be worked out with Hella.

This Study Group will prepare you for later facilitator training if you find it aligns with your own heart’s calling.

Please contact Hella with further questions or to express your interest.

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